Greeting from our Overseer
Bishop Colin W. Shuler
You have reached the official website of The Church of God in North Carolina, with world headquarters in Cleveland, Tennessee—Bishop Oscar Pimentel, General Overseer.
Whether you’re a member or friend of one of our congregations or simply exploring what we’re about, we’re glad you’ve stopped by. As laborers together with God, we desire to see people flourish in faith, unity, and service to our Lord and King. As our former State Overseer has so aptly expressed, “We are committed to sharing the whole gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the state of North Carolina and throughout the world,” and we hope our presence on the internet further advances that goal.
Whether you’re looking to connect with us, need information about our ministries and auxiliaries, or just want to stay updated with what’s happening across the state, this site is meant to be a helpful resource. Please visit our various pages to find information about upcoming events that may be of interest and use our “Locate” option to find and visit a local church in your area.
We are here to serve you, so please explore the information found here, and reach out via our contact menu if you have any questions.